The purpose of the Center for Welding, Joining and Coatings Research (CWJCR) is to endorse the science and engineering of welding, joining and coatings, and the advanced education of specialists in these fields. CWJCR promotes and conducts federally and industrially sponsored welding, joining and coatings research.
Our center provides graduate level education, basic and applied research and organizes conferences, workshops, seminars for technology transfer. In addition, all the research is supervised by industrial partners and worldwide recognized scientific institutions.

Student Programs

Open Weld Lab

Useful External Links
Contact Us
Physical Address:
Nathaniel P. Hill Hall
920 15th St.
Golden, CO 80401
Mailing & Shipping Address:
Colorado School of Mines
1301 19th St. Hill Hall
Golden, CO 80401
Phone: 202-273-3798
Fax: 303-273-3795
Email: info-cwjcr@mines.edu
Dr. Stephen Liu and Dr. Ethan Sullivan Featured in 2022 AWS National Awards Booklet
The CWJCR Director Emeritus, Dr. Stephen Liu, was featured for two awards on the 2022 AWS National...
Dr. Liu Received the AWS R.D. Thomas Memorial Award
Our CWJCR Director Emeritus, Dr. Stephen Liu, was presented the AWS R.D. Thomas Memorial Award!...
CWJCR Group Photo: Woody’s Pizza
For the group meeting today, everyone met for pizza at Woody's!
CWJCR Group Photo: Golden Sweets
Today, everyone had ice cream from Golden Sweets in downtown Golden during the group meeting!
Dr. Zhenzhen Yu Receives A.F Davis Silver Medal Award!
Dr. Yu has received the A. F. Davis Silver Medal Award in Structure Design Category for the paper...